How Can Excess Body Fat Give Me a More Youthful Face?

Having trouble with hollow cheeks? Hollow cheeks are one of the first signs of aging. Getting older has many perks like wisdom and respect, but it also comes with unfortunate and inevitable disadvantages like fine lines, wrinkles, and muscle atrophy.
With the evolution of technology, new medical discoveries have been made that help to fight the signs of the aging process. One of these discoveries is a procedure called facial fat grafting.
What Is Facial Fat Grafting?
Facial fat grafting, also known as microlipoinjection or fat transfer, is the treatment where your own body fat is used to fill facial wrinkles and plump up sunken areas of your face. It adds volume where needed.
This treatment uses your own fat, so there are no chances of rejections or allergic reactions from your body. The tissues being injected into your face are your own, taken from places where there was excess fat. Through this process, you can lose a few inches from your problem areas and restore lost volume in your face, making you look and feel more youthful.
This type of fat transfer uses just three steps. In the first step, your surgeon will do gentle liposuction to harvest excess fat from areas such as the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and jowls. The second step is when the fat cells that have been extracted are isolated and cleansed. The final step is where your surgeon will precisely and carefully inject the fat cells into the desired facial areas.
Benefits of the Facial Fat Transfer
This specific type of fat transfer can be beneficial in many ways. It is capable of restoring volume to your cheeks, undereye areas, and chin. If you’re experiencing lipoatrophy, which is the loss of fat in the areas of the face like the contours of the cheeks and the jawline, you’re a good candidate for facial fat grafting. This procedure can restore the lost layer of fat, fill in the hollow areas of your face, and bring those pleasing contours back to your face.
Not only will this treatment make you look more radiant, it will also give you a more youthful appearance. It can even add volume to your lips. The lips are one of the most noticed areas of your face, so having a more voluminous set of lips can only work in your favor.
Facial fat grafting doesn’t just add volume to areas of your face – it can also eliminate the common effects of aging such as harsh wrinkles and folds. It can fill in frown lines, smile lines, marionette lines, and other furrows in the face. Acne scars tend to cause depressions in the face, and even these can be treated using facial fat grafting.
Adults who have problems with the effects of aging are generally good candidates for this kind of procedure. Young people can also be candidates for this surgery.
Find Out More About the Facial Fat Transfer
Contact our office to find out more about what a facial fat transfer can do for you. Dr. Elias Gikas, a board-certified plastic surgeon with numerous satisfied patients, will be available to discuss the procedure in further detail.