Exploring Your Liposuction Options: UAL
When you face fat so stubborn that it refuses to melt away despite your best efforts, you turn to medical science for help. Technology has come a long way; looking and feeling good is now a dream within reach.
Ultrasound energy has been used for decades in the field of medicine, as has liposuction surgery. Put together the benefits of ultrasound energy and liposuction and you have a winning combination: Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (UAL).
During this procedure, ultrasound energy liquefies fatty tissue, making it easy to remove. UAL can safely be used to target fat cells in areas that can be difficult to treat with traditional liposuction, like the ankles, neck, chin, calves, and cheeks. UAL is the best treatment for the reduction of fat in regions of highly fibrous tissue, like the male breasts.
The UAL Procedure
During UAL, liposuction is performed using a single unit. The ultrasound probe, a device that transmits the ultrasound energy, is attached to the end of the cannula, a thin tube with a sharp end. Small incisions are created in the targeted areas, and the cannula is inserted. Fat is liquefied using the ultrasound probe. After the fat cells are liquefied, they are safely removed from the body through the cannula with the help of medical suction.
How Is the Procedure of UAL Different from Conventional Liposuction?
UAL is a gentler alternative to traditional liposuction. There is no need to make deep incisions to access subcutaneous fat, and because the ultrasound energy liquefies the fat cells, the fat is much easier to remove. Traditional liposuction can involve physical dislodging of the fat cells, which may cause more trauma than necessary to the tissues in the region.
In both cases, tumescent fluid is injected. Tumescent fluid is a concoction of epinephrine, local anesthesia, and saline. It is used to minimize fluid and blood loss during the procedure.
Why Choose UAL?
The primary benefit of UAL is removal of fat from stubborn regions of the body. Another reason to choose UAL is the size of the incision. Incisions made are smaller and enable faster extraction of liquefied fat than with those of traditional liposuction. Recovery time is also reduced. Additionally, UAL stimulates collagen production through the ultrasound energy, making the skin healthier and tighter in the target area.
The Recovery Process
Because UAL is a gentler liposuction option that causes less tissue damage, there will not be as much swelling and bruising. The recovery time associated with it will also be shorter overall. Another factor that impacts recovery time is the amount of fat removed. Generally, the greater the amount of fat removed, the longer the recovery time will be.
After the procedure, the treated region is bound tight using a compression garment to contain swelling. Swelling subsides as the body starts to heal after fat removal. Cannula incisions are closed using sutures, which typically dissolve in a few days. Antibiotics may be prescribed to avoid infection at the incision sites.
Remember that fat loss is permanent only when a conscious effort is made to keep the pounds from piling on. It is easy to regain the lost fat if you do not make significant lifestyle and dietary changes after UAL.
Contact Us to Arrange a UAL Consultation
Interested in learning more about your liposuction options from a skilled medical professional? If so, contact our office and schedule an informative consultation with Dr. Elias Gikas, an experienced and respected board-certified plastic surgeon.